"Confessionalissimo" vôtre

Soumis par Hayan Sidaoui le jeu 18/01/2018 - 21:55


Il y a environ un an, je m’en suis pris avec, il est vrai dans un style qui m’est propre et sans concession, à la journaliste britannique indépendante Vanessa Beeley qui était parmi mes contacts celle que je suivais le plus sur mon compte Facebook.
Je fus surpris et choqué par son intervention lors d’un meeting de la campagne électorale de François Asselineau pour l’élection présidentielle pour parler du malheur syrien ! Le choix du cadre pour parler d’un sujet qui aura coûté plus de 300 000 morts dont plus de cent mille civils syriens me paraissait comme étant une démarche pour le moins indécente et je le pense toujours sans le moindre équivoque.

Bon nombre de mes amis furent autant choqués par ma réaction que par sa grave erreur de communication qui s’apparentait à une exploitation très peu élégante, pour ne pas dire plus, du drame ou des drames qui frappent chaque syrien d’une manière ou une autre et me semblait qu’une tribune indépendante était plus appropriée, avec tout le respect que je dois à mes amis conciliants, sachant qu’il y en a encore de plus intransigeants que moi-même, je maintiens que c’était une grave erreur de journaliste, peu importe si elle était préméditée ou pas, puisque jamais je n’approuverais ce genre de démarche « purement occidentale ». Si, comme le disent certains, son erreur n’était pas intentionnelle, c’est encore plus grave car les occidentaux, même ceux qui ont de bons sentiments à notre égard, ne sont toujours pas conscients de notre ressentiment naturel et légitime malgré les complots, massacres et destructions qu’ils nous infligent depuis cent ans. Ce qui désormais nous impose, n’en déplaise, une vigilance, une intransigeance et une exigence sans faille.
Je tiens à signaler par ailleurs que son compère Pierre Le Corf, excellent reporter qui lui aussi, au péril de sa vie, couvre les événements d’Alep au jour le jour, m’avait signalé à l’époque son avis mitigé sur l’exploitation de son reportage par Vanessa Beeley.

Toutefois, c’est du passé, je dis bien du passé mais non pas oublié. Or Vanessa Beeley, il faut bien le reconnaître, est néanmoins une excellente reporter de terrain. Elle est sans doute bien meilleure que beaucoup de journalistes levantins et plus professionnelle mais surtout plus honnête que la quasi-totalité des journalistes occidentaux qui versent dans le mensonge, la falsification et la diffamation. Certains de mes amis levantins s’interrogent malgré tout en me demandant : « Que ou qui se cache-t-il derrière autant de dévouement de ces deux reporters jusqu’à être plus royalistes que le roi ? » Je n’en sais rien et dans le bénéfice du doute je leur accorde mon soutien tant que leurs reportages ne recèlent aucune ambiguïté. Jusqu’à nouvel ordre Vanessa Beeley et Pierre Le Corf sont à contre-courant de tous les médias occidentaux réunis et offrent à leurs propres opinions publiques la vraie réalité du terrain et tant pis pour ceux qui refusent de la voir.

Dans ce reportage, rapporté par mon ami Arnaud Valette, Vanessa Beeley dans la foulée d’un autre excellent article sur le rôle déterminant du Hezbollah dans la lutte contre le terrorisme au Levant, nous amène une preuve supplémentaire que le discours politique des responsables occidentaux teinté avec obstination de confessionnalisme est entièrement faux et crapuleux.
Cent fois, mille fois… j’ai répété encore et encore que la guerre en Syrie comme toutes les guerres du Proche et Moyen-Orient n’avaient rien de confessionnel. Il ne s’agit que d’un combat entre la justice et l’injustice, entre esclavagisme économique et liberté, entre dignité et mercantilisme ou opportunisme, etc. D’un côté des puissances coloniales voilées par le faux masque du colonialisme et de l’autre une société multi-confessionnelle, multi-culturelle et multi-ethnique dont toutes les composantes ont vécu des siècles durant en paix et parfaite harmonie sans les envahisseurs de tout genre et de tous bords. On veut à tout prix faire croire que c’est une guerre où sunnites et chiites s’affrontent avec, vice suprême, seuls les chrétiens d’orient comme véritables victimes ! Le crime a ses arguments tout aussi criminels et irrecevables. Sunnites, chiites et chrétiens du Levant et du Croissant Fertile, cinq fois millénaire, se battent côte à côte derrière les mêmes barricades et dans les mêmes tranchées contre un terrorisme des plus meurtriers et des plus sauvages devenu le fleuron de l’industrie de guerre occidentale et aussi le symbole de ses sociétés de toute évidence dépourvu de conscience et d’humanisme.
Hayan Sidaoui


Depuis 2011, nombre d’éminents représentants des communautés religieuses du Levant sont régulièrement intervenus auprès des dirigeants occidentaux, au Parlement européen, en France, toujours pour donner en substance le même message : que l’Occident, s’il veut vraiment aider les peuples, cesse d’abord de soutenir le terrorisme en faisant semblant de le combattre. Qu’il cesse également de mélanger religion et politique, de faire allégeance aux courants les plus sectaires et communautaristes du judaïsme, du christianisme et de l’islam, que sont le sionisme et le wahabisme. Messages répétés, mais hélas jamais entendus à ce jour. Rendons hommage à la journaliste indépendante Britannique Vanessa Beeley pour cet entretien magnifique d’enseignements avec le Grand Mufti de Damas, Sa Grace Ahmad Badreddine Hassoun, plus révélateur encore que ses déclarations lors de visites officielles passées à Paris ou à Bruxelles ou d’un court entretien avec le journaliste Pierre Barbancey dans l’Humanité (29/05/2016). On appréciera aussi la différence entre la méthode de Vanessa Beeley, qui s’efface pour laisser son interlocuteur s’exprimer sans interruption ni cadrage, et celle d’un Régis Le Sommier, dont les interviews mondaines sont destinées surtout à mettre en scène sa personne, en plus de prétendre aller au fond des choses avec l’expérience du terrain, alors qu’il s’intéresse surtout à des futilités tout justes bonnes pour les magazines people.

Conversation with Syria's Grand Mufti, His Grace, Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun:
"The head of the Islamic Centre/Mosque in Dublin is an Egyptian who sent a message to the Irish Parliament during my last visit to Ireland, to have me arrested. So I asked him, why do you only want to arrest me, the Mufti, we are all Syrian, why don’t you arrest the Patriarch? Your followers killed my son and I forgave you, what more do you want from me? They replied that I am from the Assad regime, but I told them, the two Patriarchs are also from the “Assad regime”, what is the difference? They replied that the Patriarchs do not confront us, you always says that Islamic State is a lie.
So, during my time there, I wanted to visit the Mosque but the Parliament security officers advised me against it. So, apparently its easier for the Patriarch to go to the Mosque than me. So, I sent my son, Abdul Rahman, he was wearing casual clothes and he sat in the car in front of the Mosque. Most of the people entering to pray, all looked like ISIS, all the ladies were covering their faces. This is personal, I cannot judge this. Inside this centre which is one of the most beautiful centres in Ireland and England, over five hectares, there is a huge prayer hall and there is a smaller hall which is called “The martyrs of Imam Osama Bin Laden”.
The Irish and British intelligence agencies are allowing the new generation to go and pray and to see this name, Osama Bin Laden, so they are creating a new Osama Bin Laden from this generation. The other hall is Imam Sheikh Qaradawi – this is a hall for lectures. Our halls in Damascus are called Saint Paul, Ibn Rushd, Mother Theresa – its different. They brought Osama Bin Laden, so this is a huge question mark over what the UK intelligence is doing. They can prevent this. I am changing euros to dollars from bank to bank, they can monitor this accurately, why cant they stop this radicalisation?
If they are considering re-colonizing Ireland as they did over 500 years ago, now this is not going to happen, not nowadays. The new generation are internet savvy, they have social media, these tactics are no longer effective. Osama Bin Laden lived 6 years in the US, he studied there and he used to holiday in London..then in Afghanistan he claimed that he was waging “jihad” against the US and the UK. The US and UK know Bin Laden very well, so what do they want?
A human being can live in any area of the world. Many people asked me to leave Syria and they offered me another nationality, in Qatar or Saudi Arabia or Jordan. I told them my country is very big, why would I leave her and go to a small country. My homeland is the whole earth and the 7 billion inhabitants are my brothers and sisters and God is for all, nobody can say He is only for me. Why do they want to hide me or put me in such small places? Nobody understands my language, neither European nor Arab governments..but people do understand. Now, if I go to the Christian or Druze or Alawi streets in Syria, why do all these people love me? Because I feel they are my sisters and brothers. If I sit with a Jewish person, they are not Jewish, they are my brother or sister. An atheist is still my brother, his relationship with God is his business. If I can make a bridge between him and God, its great but its not my business if that is not possible.
Many times, I try to reconcile even husbands and wives but many times I fail, what can I do? This is the way of the Prophets, this is the true way, Love is the true path. Peace is what we must all seek. I have no hope in politicians anymore.
For me, I lost many relatives fighting with the Syrian Arab Army and I know that, given a choice, the officers would not kill even an ant. They are good human beings. Now they found, in Raqqa, a mass grave. 10,000 bodies, over half are Syrian Arab Army, a quarter are women, the remainder are civilians from Raqqa. I dare them to say the SAA killed any of these civilians – it was ISIS who murdered them, supported by the US, UK, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia. Maybe, the media is not going to expose this fact, but I know, I have a God, I asked Him, please don’t take our revenge from the simple people of America and the UK or Turkey – but from the Turkish President who claims to be Muslim or the politicians in the US or UK who created this tragedy. Four days ago a mother and her two sons were trying to cross the border from Turkey into Syria. One boy was 3 years old, the other 5 years old. The Turkish soldiers shot them all and killed them in Atma on the border. In this area there are only Turkish soldiers and Nusra Front, there is no Syrian Arab Army.
For me, Nusra Front, ISIS, Free Syrian Army, Al Qaeda are all the same army. The names are nothing more than a huge lie, they are Blackwater wearing religious costumes.
Look at what is happening in Burma now – 8000 Muslims suddenly leave, they lived for thousands of years in Burma, why are they leaving? Extremists leave Syria to Iraq and they go to China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India – they then go to Burma, a place called Arakan. There they want to create an Islamic State. Who took them there, who is paying them? The Burmese forces have attacked these extremists so the ordinary people have escaped to Bangladesh. The same situation is happening also in the Philippines.
If we stay alive long enough, please listen to me – they will do the same in the UK, in France, in Germany and I don’t wish this upon anyone but now they are planning. Just as they did in Syria, they will repeat it in Europe and in the UK.
Yesterday in Aleppo, there is a small kindegarden school, the oldest boy is only 5 years old. It was attacked by terrorist mortars which killed a teacher, a three year old child and injured many more children. In Homs in 2016, a woman wearing a hijab placed a bag filled with explosives in front of a school. There was no Army in this area, just kids. Where are the Human Rights? This woman admitted that she did this not once but three times. We called upon De Mistura and the UN to respond to these attacks and to act. The first time she targeted a bus and three women were killed who were studying in the University, the second time she targeted a bakery and the third time she targeted the school which is when she was captured.
So, who made these explosive bags for her, who brainwashed her? This is the question, who is responsible, because this lady is also a victim. When I was in London in 2008, I entered the Mosques and all the Imams there were from Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Pakistan but their salary was always from Saudi Arabia. Why? Why? This is the question. This is my greatest fear.
So, the Syrian Arab Army are simple people, Syrian people. If you saw how they lived during this war, sometimes they are surrounded by terrorists and they don’t even have bread to eat, they survive with what they can find on the land where they are fighting. The terrorists have everything they need, food, equipment, weapons. We hear now about Douma and Eastern Ghouta – that they are surrounded, the people are hungry. The terrorists that occupy these areas have all the food that is being sent by the international community while the rest of Syria is living under sanctions. The terrorists are driving around Idlib in luxury American vehicles while the Syrian Arab Army fight, armed only with their courage.
[Mufti takes a phone call]
You know the most beautiful waiting in this life is the waiting between two lovers. I remember when I was only 25 years old in my house in Aleppo. It was snowing and there was a young man walking in the street and his shoulders were covered in snow. I saw him looking up at a window and I saw a lady waving to him. This young man did not feel the cold. He wrote his telephone number in the snow. I tried to read the number, he was writing the number so the lady will call him on the phone number. When someone loves someone else they will forget themselves so what about when they love God. When I love the Creator I will love all He creates. I will love God, I will love all people. This is why religious people do not understand me, that is why they are fighting me. I have Christian brothers, Jewish brothers, Buddhist brothers, Muslim brothers, Atheist brothers but they are all from the same mother and father, the same family. I have to give them all the medicine and food, the good words, the support and direction. After that he or she is free to do as they wish because God created us free, God gave us freedom and nobody should take this freedom from us."
